VUSA Team - Jay Pathak preferred
Jay Pathak
National Director of Vineyard USA
Jay Pathak

Jay Pathak is the National Director of Vineyard USA, starting in January 2022. He also serves as the Lead Pastor of the Mile High Vineyard, a family of neighborhood churches in Denver, that he, Danielle and a small team planted in 2001.

Jay co-wrote the book, The Art of Neighboring, with Dave Runyon. His passion for sharing his faith with the people around him is at the center of his calling. He is a humble, empowering leader who is passionate about raising up leaders around him. His strengths, in particular, lie in strategically placing people on teams where they thrive. Additionally, he regularly thinks of ministry in context of culture and developing relationships and partnerships in the city, government, and across denominational lines.

Jay has lead in various contexts throughout the Vineyard starting as an intern for Rich Nathan at the Columbus Vineyard in his early ministry days, and stretching into various positions of translocal leadership including serving on the Vineyard USA Executive Team for many years. He is a sought after speaker and coach, while keeping strong ties to the local community.

Jay has a BA in Philosophy from The Ohio State University and is a graduate of the Vineyard Leadership Institute.

Speakers, hosts, and storytellers include a variety of Vineyard leaders and friends of the Vineyard.
VUSA Team - Jay Pathak preferred
Alexia Salvatierra (Formal Fuller Photo)
Debby Wright
geno_olison-a (1)
Rich & Marlene Nathan

More to come...